Get Started

Create your first deployment

To be able to create your first deployment, you will have to create an account and choose a plan.

Your first deployment

Click on the "New deployment" button in the top right corner of the screen to start the configuration

Deployment configuration

Complete the deployment configuration by filling in the deployment name and checking the "My DB is in a private network" if your database is not accessible publicly from the internet (you will have to setup a VPN client on your database machine)

VPN configuration (if needed)

Follow instructions written to allow Synece to access your database by creating a VPN client. This client will connect to your dedicated VPN server and allow Synece to connect the connector to your database

Connector configuration

This step may seem more complex than it actually is. Here is a description of every field:

  • Type: The platform on which you wish to send your data

  • Project ID: For example your GCP Project ID

  • Message ordering key: It is a string used to order messages in the queue. It can be anything, for example "production-server-1"

  • Topic prefix: This field is required for Debezium to work. It is the prefix used in your topic name. For exemple if you have one topic for each table and you have table "a" and "b" and you wish your prefix to be "dev", you will have to create 2 topics named "dev.a" and "dev.b"

  • Enable reroute: If you want your messages to be sent to a single topic, you must check this box. You will then see a Reroute to topic field which allows you to write the name of your topic.

  • Decimal handling: A list of parameters that allows you to chose how you want your decimal values to be handled (see here)

  • Time precision: Time, date, and timestamps can be represented with different kinds of precision. You can chose how you want your date fields to be handled (see here)

  • Create, Delete, Update: These are events received by Debezium. You can chose which of them you want to handle.

  • Tables to include: List of tables to include separated by ",". Please include the schema for each table ("public.table1,public.table2")

Database configuration

  • DB type: The database you are using

  • User: The user you created for the Synece app

  • Password: The password associated with this user

  • Host: Your database host (set to when using VPN)

  • Database name: Your database name

Service account configuration

Please provide your service account json identity file. You can search on your Pubsub provider documentation to find how to create a service account and download the corresponding json file.

Everything is ready

You juste have to continue and you will be redirected to your deployment overview.

Last updated